Happy New Year!
I truly believe 2024 will be a GREAT year! Some say all you have to do is believe it and it will happen. Why not give it a try?...
I truly believe 2024 will be a GREAT year! Some say all you have to do is believe it and it will happen. Why not give it a try?...
Steve Jobs Said 1 Choice in Life Separates the Doers From the Dreamers. It's Simple and effective, but according to Steve Jobs, most people never do it...
Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is not the opposite of winning; it is part of the learning process...
1. “Find something you can be good at. Then, be great at it.” 2. “Know how to sell.” His own sales career started early: At age 12, he sold trash bags door-to-door to earn money for new sneakers. 3. “Be curious and always learning.” 4. “When you walk into a room, you need to know your s--t better than anyone else in the room...
Advice From Steve Jobs: "Make a lot of mistakes." Steve Jobs's emotionally intelligent approach to mistake-making can help you build a better business.
Eating a salad at your desk may not be the most memorable kind of lunch, but at least you can get some work done. In France, that's forbidden. The French labor code prohibits workers from eating lunch in the workplace. The solo work lunch is also shunned in a culture that prizes a change of pace and scenery during the midday meal...
If you’re thinking of changing careers in 2022, here’s what you need to know. Changing careers is a big decision. This is especially true if you feel like you lack sufficient experience in your new field. However, if you’re feeling completely wiped out from your current job, and wrestling with symptoms of burnout, now might be an ideal moment to consider a new job or a career switch...
Talking to Yourself is Not Just for Crazy People! Whether or not you realize it turns out that talking to yourself is actually a quality of highly successful people...
According to a recent study, we lose interest in just eight seconds. That means our attention span is less than that of a goldfish’s! Yikes! The good news is we can fight back...
We often forget that attitudes are contagious, particularly when it comes to business. If a leader surrounds themselves with bad influences, they run the risk of picking up bad behaviors. As leaders, the implications of this extend beyond just the personal; they spread throughout your entire organization...