A New Career Maybe?

If you’re thinking of changing careers in 2022, here’s what you need to know. Changing careers is a big decision. This is especially true if you feel like you lack sufficient experience in your new field. However, if you’re feeling completely wiped out from your current job, and wrestling with symptoms of burnout, now might be an ideal moment to consider a new job or a career switch...

Why You Should Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude has been shown to improve your physical health, develop a stronger immune system, reduce symptoms of depression, increase one’s well-being and happiness, enhance empathy, improve quality of sleep, enhance self-esteem, increase mental strength, and help you experience more positive emotions such as joy in your life. (And improve your business as well! Sara Ohara)...

Motivational Quotes That Will Make You Do Something

Getting Motivated Is Not Always Easy. We have so little time, so we need to motivate (and inspire) ourselves to keep doing the things that satisfy us—and not waste our time. Here’s a list of motivational quotes that always get me off my but. I found that it works best to print your favorite quotes and place them somewhere you see them multiple times a day. For example, I have motivational quotes on my monitor, desk, closet, the dashboard of my car, bathroom...

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