Leadership 1st
This man changed my life, not only my Business but my Attitude...
This man changed my life, not only my Business but my Attitude...
"Mistakes are good, because at least decisions are being made, you're doing something." Mistakes are an unavoidable part of the process. You can spend a lot of time trying to figure out a strategy that doesn't involve making any mistakes, but it usually means you don't do much of anything--certainly not anything of value.
Steve Jobs Said 1 Choice in Life Separates the Doers From the Dreamers. It's Simple and effective, but according to Steve Jobs, most people never do it...
Advice From Steve Jobs: "Make a lot of mistakes." Steve Jobs's emotionally intelligent approach to mistake-making can help you build a better business.
After being fired from Apple the only thing that kept me going was I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. STAY HUNGRY - STAY FOOLISH...
Research shows, taking a walk is the best way to unleash your most creative ideas. Steve Jobs often took regular "brainstorming walks" around the Apple campus...
The greatest leaders create a compelling vision of the future, & they inspire their employees to achieve things they didn’t think they could do...
COVID19 Has Many Wondering What's Next? Steve Jobs has some tips... "I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It was replaced by the lightness of being a...
I’ve never found anyone who’s said no or hung up the phone when I called - I just asked. When people ask me, I try to pay that debt of gratitude back. And that’s what separates, sometimes, the people that do things from the people that just dream about them...
Jobs' Wisdom is Still Very Relevant! Steve Jobs said the hallmark of new Apple was saying NO – to software, features, new projects, new hires, boondoggle conferences, all kinds of press queries, even to Wall Street’s desire for better guidance...