Want to live a happy and fulfilled life?
Think of yourself as dead.
You may think this is weird advice, but it’s not coming from me. It actually comes from Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.
In his book “Meditations,” Aurelius says,
“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.”
I like this idea a lot. So much so that I’m convinced that if you apply it, it will completely change your life.
Why? Because oftentimes we give too much of our time and attention to the things that don’t matter. As a result, we completely ignore the things that do.
And we do this because we think we’re going to live forever.
We never stop to think that we’re going to die one day. When in fact, we could die tomorrow.
At any moment, you could get hit by a car, choke on your food, or trip on a step and hit your head.
Because of this, you need to stop focusing on all the little things that bother you and start making the best use of your time.
This doesn’t mean you should sell everything you own and gamble all the money away at the casino.
This isn’t the best use of your time.
Instead, the best use of your time is working on being a good person, doing your best, constantly improving yourself, and living a life of reason and virtue.
Imagine you died last night and you have now been given a second chance. Then make two lists:
1) What are the most important things in your life?
2) What do you actually spend your time with?
Compare the lists and choose one thing you’ll work on being better at in the next few days.
Doing this will help you focus on what’s truly important so that you don’t waste time on what’s not.
Thanks for your Wisdom Vincent Carlos