You MUST Keep Your WordPress Website Updated!
Updates are Quick, Free and Simple! This is what happened because the site was NOT kept updated! Took a bit of work but I was able to fix it and bring it back! [...]
Updates are Quick, Free and Simple! This is what happened because the site was NOT kept updated! Took a bit of work but I was able to fix it and bring it back! [...]
Never Give Up and Keep Building. For Google CEO Sundar Pichai, one quote perfectly describes what it's like to be an entrepreneur. Pichai spoke before a group of more than 1,000 entrepreneurs, investors and government officials at the Global Entrepreneurship...
COVID19 Has Many Wondering What's Next? Steve Jobs has some tips... "I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It was replaced by the lightness of being a...
I love all the websites I build - I turn down many. But I especially loved making this one - it's soooo important. Let the wisdom of our Grandparents teach our grandkids why and how to make this a better place...
Criticism Does Not Need to Ruin Your Day! We’ve all been there. Someone makes a critical remark towards us and we just feel mentally defeated as a result of it. Criticism, whether online or in-person, can ruin our entire day. [...]
Testimonials are Super Important! Use customer testimonials to overcome buyer skepticism, build trust and encourage would-be consumers to take a leap of faith and make that purchase after all. Testimonials reassure customers that other people who have used the product [...]
Welcome to the Era of Exhaustion. If you're like most people, during these days of COVID-19 you can't fully access your knowledge, experience, skills and strengths. Why? It's brain science. When you're low on energy, the first thing you lose...
While we cannot deny the value added by plugins to WordPress sites, we should also not ignore the possible dangers of having too many of them on your site...
Facebook is Cool! Jeff is a client whom I've helped with his WordPress website several times - his latest Post talks about why he's now a big believer in Social Media and Blogging. Thanks for this Bit of Wisdom Jeff [...]
Even though you are ultimately promoting yourself, your business, or your brand, self-promotion should take place behind the scenes. Writing a blog post should be entirely about helping your readers...