Ways to Naturally Increase Your Focus
According to a recent study, we lose interest in just eight seconds. That means our attention span is less than that of a goldfish’s! Yikes! The good news is we can fight back...
According to a recent study, we lose interest in just eight seconds. That means our attention span is less than that of a goldfish’s! Yikes! The good news is we can fight back...
Being productive sometimes isn't about what you're doing, but more so about what you're not doing. Whether it's becoming a better leader, growing your business or growing personally, being more productive is in your best interest...
To alter your thoughts, you need two things. First, you need to manage the negative chatter in your mind, which most people do through meditation. Second, you need to manage external negative chatter, which you can do by limiting your exposure to external sources...
Getting Motivated Is Not Always Easy. We have so little time, so we need to motivate (and inspire) ourselves to keep doing the things that satisfy us—and not waste our time. Here’s a list of motivational quotes that always get me off my but. I found that it works best to print your favorite quotes and place them somewhere you see them multiple times a day. For example, I have motivational quotes on my monitor, desk, closet, the dashboard of my car, bathroom...
Having the right attitude is key in all areas of life. Keep reading to learn why that is, and a few key attitudes that are must haves if you want to live a life of joy, fulfillment, and success...
Most American Homes have 300,000 Items! This doesn’t improve our quality of life. Too much stuff actually makes us feel anxious, disorganized, & overwhelmed...
Smartphones Harm Your Productivity More Than You Think. They may cause stress, anxiety, depression AND they change your behavior...
Why Overworking Is Bad For Your Health (and Your Career): It prevents sleep, it's bad for your heart, more input doesn't necessarily mean more output...
How often have you felt like that? You might just need a rest. But what if you feel unmotivated every single day? That, my friend, is called a slump. The good news is motivation surrounds us; we just need to know where to look. Here are ways on how to increase your motivation when you’re in a slump...
Live to learn and you will learn to live. One of the 3 questions I ask myself each night is "What did I learn today?" I always have an answer...