WordPress Founder’s Wisdom
"Find three hobbies you love: One to make you money, One to keep you in shape: One to be creative." Matt Mullenweg...
"Find three hobbies you love: One to make you money, One to keep you in shape: One to be creative." Matt Mullenweg...
What if instead of saying ‘I HAVE to’ we said ‘I CHOOSE to’ – would what we do be different? I dare you to you ask this about your business as well as your personal life...
If you’re considering leaving your nine-to-five but aren’t sure it’s the right move, here are 3 signs Porterfield suggests considering. 1. You’re Being Underpaid 2. You Feel Invisible or Undervalued 3. You Don’t Want Your Boss’s Job...
When Mark Cuban was in his 30s, running the tech company that would eventually make him a billionaire, he was laser-focused on productivity and results. These days, he regrets it. “I wish somebody would have told me to be nicer.”...
Steve Jobs Said 1 Choice in Life Separates the Doers From the Dreamers. It's Simple and effective, but according to Steve Jobs, most people never do it...
1. “Find something you can be good at. Then, be great at it.” 2. “Know how to sell.” His own sales career started early: At age 12, he sold trash bags door-to-door to earn money for new sneakers. 3. “Be curious and always learning.” 4. “When you walk into a room, you need to know your s--t better than anyone else in the room...
NO, More Technology Does NOT Equal More Productivity. Like almost everybody else, I thought it was improving my productivity. Remember that the purpose of a smartphone, or technology in general, is to SERVE us — not to control our lives...
If you’re thinking of changing careers in 2022, here’s what you need to know. Changing careers is a big decision. This is especially true if you feel like you lack sufficient experience in your new field. However, if you’re feeling completely wiped out from your current job, and wrestling with symptoms of burnout, now might be an ideal moment to consider a new job or a career switch...
Avoid these 11 words & phrases that make you look ‘weak,’ say grammar experts. In such a competitive world, the last thing you need to do is undercut yourself. But that’s what a lot of us are doing when we communicate in ways that make us sound less confident, less determined, and less sure of ourselves...
Updates are Quick, Free and Simple! This is what happened because the site was NOT kept updated! Took a bit of work but I was able to fix it and bring it back! [...]