Live Before You Die
After being fired from Apple the only thing that kept me going was I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. STAY HUNGRY - STAY FOOLISH...
After being fired from Apple the only thing that kept me going was I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. STAY HUNGRY - STAY FOOLISH...
Success and Happiness Come When You Keep Learning...
Getting Motivated Is Not Always Easy. We have so little time, so we need to motivate (and inspire) ourselves to keep doing the things that satisfy us—and not waste our time. Here’s a list of motivational quotes that always get me off my but. I found that it works best to print your favorite quotes and place them somewhere you see them multiple times a day. For example, I have motivational quotes on my monitor, desk, closet, the dashboard of my car, bathroom...
Research shows, taking a walk is the best way to unleash your most creative ideas. Steve Jobs often took regular "brainstorming walks" around the Apple campus...
I wrote this post in 2019 - who knew it would become so relevant in 2021? "If you can put a man on the moon how come you can't do something about traffic?" Maybe telecommuting is the answer...
Having the right attitude is key in all areas of life. Keep reading to learn why that is, and a few key attitudes that are must haves if you want to live a life of joy, fulfillment, and success...
Ways to Support a Friend's Business. 10 ways that don't cost you anything and could really help a friend's business. And be sure to LIKE friend's Pages and Posts who LIKE yours - or they may stop LIKING yours...
There's a Fine Line Between Sharing and Boasting. People who talk for a living know how to walk it. As the most effective speakers know, being inclusive—connecting with others—is the only real way to deliver a message...
Smartphones Harm Your Productivity More Than You Think. They may cause stress, anxiety, depression AND they change your behavior...
Why Overworking Is Bad For Your Health (and Your Career): It prevents sleep, it's bad for your heart, more input doesn't necessarily mean more output...