What advice would you give to your younger self?

This is a question that Tim Ferriss asked successful entrepreneur Derek Sivers in his book “Tools of Titans.”

What did Sivers say? He said, “Don’t be a donkey.”

This is one of the best pieces of advice from this book, but what does that mean?

Sivers explains that this advice is based on the fable about Buridan’s Donkey, which is a story about a donkey who is equally hungry and thirsty.

And in this story, there’s a stack of hay a few feet away from the donkey on one side and a pail of water a few feet away on the other side.

But because the hay and water are equally as far, the donkey can’t decide whether he should eat the hay first or drink the water first

As a result, the donkey eventually falls over and dies from both hunger and thirst.

Sivers says, “A donkey can’t think of the future. If he did, he’d realize he could clearly go first to drink the water, then go eat the hay. So, my advice to my 30 year old self is, don’t be a donkey. You can do everything you want to do. You just need foresight and patience.”

In other words, you can do almost everything you want in life.

The only thing, however, is you can’t do it all at the same time.

So, if you have 10 things you want to accomplish over the next 10 years, you can achieve those 10 things if you simply dedicate yourself to one thing for a year. And then dedicate yourself to the next thing for another year. And so on.

But if you try to do all 10 things at once, you’re going to be Buridan’s Donkey.

Don’t be a donkey.

Thanks for your Wisdom Vincent Carlos